
The Crohn’s & Colitis Congress offers a robust portfolio of sponsorships to ensure brands have numerous ways to promote their products and services at the Congress. Sponsorship opportunities are only available to current Industry Supporters.

For more information, please contact the Industry Team. 

Companies #, A-Z
Tessa Ayala
Account Manager 
Industry Sales and Operations 

Shipping Information

Shipments can be received between Monday, December 20, 2021 and Thursday, January 13, 2022. Please use the appropriate label below:

We look forward to working with you and ensuring that you have a positive experience sharing your innovations with our attendees.

Interested in learning more or have additional questions, please contact:

Companies #, A-Z
Account Manager, Industry Sales and Operations
American Gastroenterological Association

We look forward to working with you and ensuring that you have a positive experience sharing your innovations with our attendees.

Interested in learning more or have additional questions, please contact:

Companies #, A-G

Account Manager, Industry Sales and Operations
American Gastroenterological Association

Companies #, H-Z

Senior Account Manager, Industry Sales and Operations
American Gastroenterological Association

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