Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
  • Where can I find general event information?  

The Congress website is the best place to find the most up-to-date information about Congress you are looking to purchase a booth, sponsorship, or host industry attendee education (Congress Product Theater or Satellite Symposia), please view the Industry section. 


  • What is the Crohn’s & Colitis Congress 2024 date and location?  

Congress 2024 is scheduled to take place January 25-27 in Las Vegas, NV and online. Exhibit dates are January 26 -27, 2024.  

Congress Administration’s policy is to release the dates of upcoming meetings not more than a year in advance. 

  • What is the abstract submission deadline?  

Abstract submissions will be accepted from Wednesday, Sept. 6, 2023, at 9:00 a.m. EDT (UTC –4) through Wednesday, Oct. 18, 2023, at 9:00 p.m. EDT (UTC –5).   


  • Can I make edits to an abstract that has been submitted?  

Edits cannot be made to abstract submitted by the Oct. 18 general submission deadline.  

Authors may edit a previously submitted abstracts any time before the Oct. 18 submission deadline. To edit an abstract, log into the submission site, return it to draft status, save your changes and then resubmit. Please note that the abstract must be resubmitted prior to the 9:00 p.m. EDT (UTC –5) deadline on Oct. 18 or it will not be considered for the presentation at the meeting.     

No edits to abstracts or author strings will be accepted after the Oct. 18 submission deadline.  


  • How do I add new authors to an abstract I already submitted?  

Authors may add co-authors to a previously submitted abstract any time prior to the Oct. 18 submission deadline by logging into the Congress abstract submission site. To edit an abstract, return it to draft status, save your changes to the author string, and then resubmit. Please note that your abstract must be resubmitted prior to the 9:00 p.m. EDT (UTC –5) deadline on Oct. 18 or it will not be considered for presentation at the meeting.    

No edits to author strings, author names, or author institutions will be accepted after the Oct. 18 deadline.  


  • When will abstracts be published?  

Abstracts accepted for presentation at the 2024 Crohn’s & Colitis Congress will be published in the January 2024  online supplements to Gastroenterology and Inflammatory Bowel Diseases. Accepted abstracts are also published in the Congress Online Planner and Congress Mobile App.    


  • What is the Congress abstract embargo policy? 

All data presented at Congress is embargoed until 8:30 a.m. PST on the first day of the Congress. For more information, please refer to the full set of Congress embargo policies.   

Abstracts will be available online to attendees before Congress for itinerary planning. The embargo policy applies to all abstract data regardless of the date of publication in Congress Resources.  


  • Are abstract authors required to submit a presentation to the Congress ePosters site?  

To increase the visibility and reach of your science, poster presenters are encouraged to submit a PDF ePoster that will be made available in the Congress mobile app in addition to your physical poster display in the Poster Hall.  

Full instructions on creating and uploading an ePoster file will follow to accepted poster presenters by email in early January. 


  • If I cannot attend Crohn’s & Colitis Congress in person, can I still submit an abstract?  

All abstract presentations will take place in person at the Bellagio Las Vegas. Virtual presentations (e.g., pre-recorded videos, live streams) will not be permitted.  


  • Can I make edits to my abstract before it is published?  

No edits to abstracts or author strings will be accepted after the Wednesday, Oct. 18, 2023, submission deadline.   


  • May I resubmit my abstract to another conference?  

Abstract authors retain the rights to their abstracts. However, other meetings may have rules regarding prior presentation and/or publication, so please contact meeting organizers for their specific policies.   


  • Can I withdraw my abstract?  

To withdraw your abstract, please contact the Congress Program Team.  

Requests must be made by December 8, 2023. After this date, Congress cannot guarantee that a withdrawn abstract will be excluded from publication.    


  • How do I know if my abstract was accepted as a poster or oral presentation?  

Congress will send abstract notifications to presenting authors on Dec. 4, 2023. The presentation type will be noted in this email.  


  • When will abstract notifications be sent?  

Abstract notifications will be sent to presenting authors on Dec. 4, 2023. If you are not listed as the presenter, you will not receive a message.    


  • I want to check if my co-authors submitted the financial disclosure. How can I check that on the submission site?  

To view the status of co-author disclosures:   

  • Click the “Submission” tab.   
  • Use the dropdown next to abstract title to select “View Abstract.”  
  • The full text abstract will open in a new window (provided you have enabled pop-ups).   
  • Scroll to the very bottom of the abstract to view the disclosure status of all authors on your abstract.  


  • The email address used for my co-author is incorrect. What do I do?  

Email the Congress Program Team the co-author’s full name, abstract number, and both the incorrect and correct email addresses.  


  • My co-author said they completed the disclosure, but it does not show as completed on my abstract. What should I do?  

The co-author may have multiple accounts. Contact the Congress Program Team with the co-author’s full name and email address of the co-author. If you are certain of a duplicate account, include that account’s email address too.  


  • My co-author is not working at our institution anymore; therefore, they cannot access the email address listed on the abstract, and accordingly the Congress account for disclosure. How can I help?  

Email  including the co-author’s full name, the existing email address listed on the abstract, and the new email address to be added. Congress will update the email and resend the disclosure link.  


  • My co-author(s) have not received the email to complete disclosure. What should I do?  

Please encourage your co-authors to visit the Congress abstract submission site, where they can click the “Forgot Password” link for login assistance. They will then receive an email they can use to set their password to enter the site. Once they have logged in, they should click on their name at the top of the page and select “Disclosures” to submit their disclosure form.    


  • My co-author has not completed the disclosure. What can I do?  

Please advise your co-author to check their email for a message from . This email informs them of their co-author status on your abstract and includes a link to the disclosure form.  

If the co-author cannot find this email, direct them to the Congress abstract submission site. There, they can click the “Forgot Password” for login assistance. They will then receive an email to set their password for the Congress website. Once logged in, they should click on their name at the top of the page and select “Disclosures” to submit their disclosure form.  


  • Should my co-author still complete the disclosure if the deadline has passed?  



  • I have a change to my disclosure. How do I update it?  

Access your account at the Congress abstract submission site. Once in the account, click on your name at the top of the page and select “Disclosure” from the drop-down.    


  • What is the financial disclosure deadline? 

The Congress 2024 disclosure deadline is Wednesday, Oct. 25, 2023, at 15:00 Eastern time (UTC –4).   


  • Should I create an account to complete my disclosure if I did not receive the emailed link?  

Avoid creating a new account, as it will not be linked to your submission. Instead, use the “Forgot Password” link on the Congress abstract submission site to get help logging into your existing account for disclosure submission.  

If you continue to experience access problems with the disclosure form after resetting your password, please email .    


  • How do I update my email address if I cannot access my account, or if the financial disclosure email is blocked by my institution?  

Please email  to provide an alternative email address.    


  • I completed my disclosure. Why am I still receiving emails requesting that I complete it?  

You may have duplicate accounts in the submission site. Email  to request your accounts to be merged. Please provide the exact spelling of your name on the account(s) and the email addresses at which you continue to receive notifications.    


  • I am trying to complete the financial disclosure and have not received an email from Congress. What should I do?  

If you were listed as co-author on an abstract, you have an existing account in our system, even if you have never logged in or cannot locate Congress emails. To access your disclosure, use the “Forgot Password” link on the abstract submission site to reset your password. After logging in, click your name in the top right corner of the page to update your disclosure.    


  • Why can’t I see an abstract in my account when I received an email noting that I am a co-author on one?  

Co-authors cannot view abstracts on the submission site. Instead, refer to the co-author notification email to access the abstract. If you are uncertain about the specific abstract you are associated with, please email us for clarification.  


  • Can I change a presenting author?  

Any author listed on an abstract author string may present an abstract. If you need to update the presenter for your abstract, please contact  with your control ID and the name of the new presenter.  


  • Are abstract presenters required to pay the registration fee?  

All abstract presenters are required to register for Congress. Please review your invitation for specific information regarding registration details.   


  • Are presenter guidelines available?  

Presenter guidelines will be published at the Congress website in December. 

  • Are abstract authors required to submit a presentation to the Congress ePosters site?  

Poster presenters are encouraged to submit a PDF ePoster that will be made available in the Congress mobile app in addition to your physical poster display in the Poster Hall.  

Full instructions on creating and uploading an ePoster file will follow to accepted poster presenters by email in early January.  

Who is eligible to exhibit at Congress?  

Eligibility to exhibit at Congress is determined solely by Show Management and generally restricted to companies directly related to the field of gastroenterology. Qualified participants must:

  • Have GI-related products or services and must be professional in nature.
  • Agree to comply with the Congress policies, including those policies that govern the submission of the application, and all policies adopted by Congress.

Congress has the sole right to determine the final eligibility or qualification of any firm, organization, agency, or product for inclusion in the event. If Congress finds that an approved company misrepresented itself to gain approval to participate, Congress reserves the right to cancel the contract at any time. If Congress cancels a misrepresented company′s contract, the company is responsible for any fees due to Congress or its vendors at the time of cancellation. Rulings by Show Management in all instances are final.



  • How do I view the available booths and secure an exhibit space?  

To reserve your booth space, please visit our Industry Supporter Booth Sales website. This will take you to our online application for you to request your booth space and complete and sign the Congress application and contract. All currently available booths can be viewed at any time on the Congress 2024 floor plan.

After you apply for booth space, Show Management will review your application and email a response within three business days approving or denying your application.



  • What’s included with the exhibit space and what is the cost for a booth?  

Congress offers several different package types depending on booth size. All the package types, what’s included, and the cost can be found in the Industry Supporter Prospectus.

To reserve your booth space, please visit our Industry Supporter Booth Sales website.



  • What can I include in my booth?  

Please refer to the policies on the website for all booth guidelines.



  • What forms of payment are accepted?  

Payments are accepted via check, credit card, money order, or wire transfer. Checks and money orders must be made out to Digestive Disease Week (see invoice for full payment instructions). Checks must be in U.S. dollars drawn from a U.S. bank. There will be a 3.5% convenience fee charged on all credit card transactions. Full payment instructions can be found at the bottom of your invoice.



  • I have questions about my secured booth space. Who do I contact?  

Please reach out to the appropriate account manager.

    • Company names starting with #, A–Z
      • Tessa Ayala,, 301-657-2176
  • How do I claim CME for past Crohn’s & Colitis Congress events or print a certificate of attendance?  

To claim CME, please visit and sign in using the email address linked to your AGA account. If you do not have an AGA account, click on “Don’t remember your password?” at and create a new password using the email address you used for Congress registration. After successfully signing in, click on “My Credits” to access your CME certificate. From this page, you can download and print your certificate. 

For a certificate of attendance please email AGA Education Department.  

  • What is Congress commitment to keeping me safe at the Bellagio Las Vegas – MGM Resorts?  

Congress will follow CDC recommendations and will refer to COVID-19 Community Levels when informing participants about decisions pertaining to health and safety precautions for the meeting.   


  • What is an on-site vaccine requirement?  

There is no vaccine requirement for Congress. If you cannot travel to Las Vegas, NV, you have the option to register for the online meeting.   

  • How do I book my hotel room?  

Congress is pleased to offer discount rates at the Bellagio Las Vegas, MGM Resorts. All hotel reservations must be made through the online link or via phone. 

Here is how you can book your housing:  

  • If you wish to book your room online, please click here
  • If you wish to book your room or make changes/cancel via telephone, the Bellagio’s Contact Center will be able to assist you. The Contact Center can be reached at 1-888-987-6667 or 702-693-7111. 


  • How do I contact the Bellagio Las Vegas – MGM Resorts for Congress housing?  

If you wish to make changes/cancel, the Bellagio’s Contact Center can assist you.  The Contact Center can be reached at 1-888-987-6667 or 702-693-7111. 


  • How are Congress affiliated hotels preparing for my stay?  

Hotels have the safety and well-being of guests in mind and have taken necessary actions to ensure a healthy stay at their properties. While hotels continue to cautiously reopen for business, in doing so, many have reduced their services and limited use of property amenities to maintain health and wellness best practices.  

Please contact your hotel directly if you have questions about available services and amenities during your stay. 

  • What are the show dates, hours and location?  

Official Congress dates are Wednesday January 24 – Saturday, January 27, 2024. 

Official exhibit show location is at the Bellagio Hotel, Grand Ballroom. 

Official exhibit show  dates are Friday, January 26, 2024

Official exhibit show hours are Friday, 7:30 a.m. – 4:30 pm, and Saturday, January 27, 7:30 a.m. – 10:15 a.m.

Booth staff must be registered and have a badge in hand to gain access to the exhibit hall floor. Booth staff will be able to gain access on show days at 7 a.m. and allowed to stay in the hall until 5:30  p.m.  


  • Where do I log into my industry supporter account?  

You can login into the Industry Supporter Dashboard here. If you don’t know your login information, please click “Forgot ID or password?” or reach out to your account manager. 

    • Company names starting with #, A–Z:    
      • Tessa Ayala,, 301-657-2176  


  • How do I register my booth staff for the show?  

All Industry Supporters receive an unlimited number of complimentary Industry Supporter booth badges for staff. You can register staff through the “Registration” tile on the Industry Supporter Dashboard. All booth staff must be registered and have a badge in hand before they can access the Exhibit Hall floor and booth staff are required to wear their badges at all times. There are two categories of Industry Supporter badges:

  • Industry Supporter:
    • Industry Supporters receive an unlimited number of booth staff badges which allow your staff access during move-in, official show days, and move out.
  • Industry Supporter Attendee:
    • This badge category will allow your staff to work the booth and attend scientific sessions for an upgrade fee. Each package offers a specific number of complimentary Industry Supporter Attendee badges. These have been preloaded into your registration account.


  • Are Industry Supporter badges mailed?  

No, the complimentary Booth Personnel badges are not mailed. Each member of booth staff will receive a confirmation email with a barcode. Booth staff will need this to scan this barcode on-site at registration to print their badge. 


  • What is the Congress photography policy in the Exhibit Hall?  

Industry Supporters shall not photograph, record audio, or video any portions of the Event without the prior written consent of Congress. Industry Supporters may request permission in writing from Congress to photograph their own booth for internal marketing purposes only. Requests for photography can be made through the Photography/Videography Approval Form.

  • How do I download and log into the Congress Mobile App? 

The Congress app places the meeting in an easy to navigate, centralized location. Our official mobile app is a resource to help attendees navigate the meeting’s science, industry supporters and Congress events from their mobile devices.  

The Congress mobile app will be available for download in January. 

  • How do I log into the Congress Mobile App?  

Use your Congress badge number and last name to log into the meeting planner and mobile app. Capitalization and spelling matter for your last name and must match how you registered yourself for the event. 

  • When is the Poster Hall reception?  

The Poster Hall reception will take place Friday, January 26, 2024, from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. at TBD location.


  • What is the poster size for Congress?  

Congress poster board size is 4’ (height) by 6’ (width).   


  • Are abstract authors required to submit a presentation to the Congress ePosters site?  

Poster presenters are encouraged to submit a PDF ePoster that will be made available in the Congress mobile app in addition to your physical poster display in the Poster Hall.  

Full instructions on creating and uploading an ePoster file will follow to accepted poster presenters by email in early January.  

  • I received an email offering to sell or rent to me a list of contact information for Congress attendees. Are you selling my contact information?  

Congress NEVER sells or rents contact information for its attendees or its event participants to third party vendors. The email you have received is fraudulent. Do not respond to it. Congress industry supporters may arrange to send direct mail to attendees, but the supporter is unable to access any Congress’s registrant’s physical mailing address and email address. Congress cannot be held liable if you give your information to the industry supporter, and the supporter contacts you or adds you to their mailing lists. If you have any questions about the authenticity of a company or email, contact Congress Administration. 


  • How can I unsubscribe from Congress emails?  

If you do not want to receive emails from Congress in the future, you can unsubscribe directly using a link at the bottom of the Congress email. You can unsubscribe from specific types or all emails.  

Please note: This action does not remove you from third party vendor communications, including Congress sponsoring societies. Please contact the vendor directly for their opt-out procedures.  


  • How can I remove myself from Congress direct mail lists?  

Please email and include the names and mailing addresses that should be removed.  

  • What are the hours of on-site registration and pick up?  

Registration On Site Days and Hours 

Wednesday, January 24 

5 to 7 p.m. 

Thursday, January 25 

7 a.m. to 7 p.m. 

Friday, January 26 

7 a.m. to 7 p.m. 

 You can pick up your Congress conference bag during the above days and times at The Bellagio Hotel, Convention Center, Grand Ballroom.


  • When is Congress 2024?  

Congress 2024 will be held January 25-27, 2024.  


  • Where can I find the schedule for Congress? 

The Schedule at a Glance for Congress 2024 can be found on the Congress website. 


  • When does registration open?  

Congress 2024 registration is now open. To join or renew your membership prior to registering for Congress, please contact each organization individually. It will take up to 10 days for your membership status to be active on the registration site. Refunds will not be provided for the difference in registration fees if the attendee becomes a member after registering.   


  • What are the registration costs and categories?  

Registration categories and costs are posted here on the Congress website.   

To receive the member rate, you must be a member of AGA or Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation at the time of registration. For membership information and deadlines, please visit each society website. Refunds will not be provided for the difference in registration fees if the attendee becomes a member after registering.  


  • What is included with CONGRESS registration?  
    • Credentials to attend more than 400 original scientific sessions and the ability to claim CME.  
    • Access to 2,800 posters in the Poster Hall and 300+ companies in the Exhibit Hall.  
    • Full access to the Congress online platform — including 64 sessions livestreamed sessions and all 400 scientific sessions on demand, the ePosters site and the Industry Supporter Directory.  
    • In-person networking opportunities.
  • How do I register for CONGRESS?  

Register online or call +1-508-743-8521 between the hours of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. EST. View complete registration materials, including the online preliminary program, a registration checklist and more on the Congress website.  For questions or assistance with your registration you may email us at  


  • How do I cancel my registration?  

For registration fees to be refunded, written notice must be sent to on or before Wednesday, January 10. Phone cancellations are strictly prohibited. Your registration fee, less a $50 cancellation charge, will be refunded. After this date, no refunds will be processed. Substitutions are not permitted. 

Registration Terms and Conditions  

Individuals must be a member at the time of registration to receive the member rates for the meeting. Refunds will not be provided for the difference in registration fees if the attendee becomes a member after registering.  

Please be aware of unofficial solicitations to secure registration payments masquerading as official Congress websites. Congress is not responsible for registration or other purchases made through unofficial sites. It is strongly encouraged that anyone attending Congress use the official Congress website for registration.  

Congress is not responsible for purchases made outside of registration, including items purchased directly from vendors or industry supporters.  

If you need to make changes to your registration record, please visit the Congress Registration Resource Center or call the Congress Registration Team at +1-508-743-8521 between the hours of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. EST.  You may also reach them by email at  

Congress reserves the right to accept, reject or prohibit registration for attendance at its events at any time for any reason.  

Substitutions are not permitted.  

Cancellation Policy  

Change or Postponement of the Event: Show Management reserves the right to cancel, rename, relocate, or change the format of the Event or change the dates on which it is held. If Show Management changes the name of the Event, relocates the Event to another event facility and/or city, changes the format of the Event, or changes the dates for the Show to dates that are not more than 90 days prior or 180 days later than the dates on which the Event originally was scheduled to be held, Show Management shall assign to Attendee, in lieu of the original registration, such other registration as Show Management deems appropriate and Attendee agrees to accept such registration under the terms of this registration.  

Force Majeure

 If Show Management cancels the Event due to a Force Majeure Event (as defined below) then Attendee shall receive a credit towards the same or similar event equal to the amount paid. For the purpose of this policy, “Force Majeure Event” means any event or circumstance arising that is beyond the reasonable control of Show Management (including but not limited to governmental laws, ordinances, regulations, requisitions, restrictions, guidelines, recommendations or action, imposition of sanctions, embargo, military action, acts or threats of terrorism or war, mob, civil commotion or riot, health scares (including without limitation, epidemic and pandemic (e.g., COVID-19), whether or not new, ongoing or recurring), fire, acts of God, flood, drought, earthquake, severe weather, disaster, disruption to transportation, third party contractor/supplier failure, venue damage or cancellation, industrial dispute, strikes, labor disputes, interruption/failure of utility service, lack of commodities or supplies, accidents, nuclear, chemical or biological contamination, speaker or participant cancellation or withdrawal, or any other comparable calamity or casualty).  

Cancellation of Event

If Show Management elects to cancel the Event other than due to a Force Majeure Event, then Show Management shall refund to Attendee its entire fee previously paid, in full satisfaction of all liabilities of Show Management to Attendee. Attendee agrees that, except as expressly provided in this paragraph, it shall and hereby does waive any and all claims for damages or compensation resulting from or relating to the cancellation, postponement, renaming, relocation or rescheduling of the Event. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, Show Management may (at its sole discretion) change the format (including, without limitation, from a physical in-person Event to a virtual Event and vice versa), speakers, participants, content, venue location and program or any other aspect of the Event at any time and for any reason, whether or not due to a Force Majeure Event, in each case without liability.  


  • Can someone else use my CONGRESS registration?  

Substitutions are not permitted. We encourage you to invite your colleagues to attend Congress too.  


  • How do I obtain a receipt?  

You will receive your registration confirmation immediately following your completed purchase. Along with additional details, your confirmation contains your payment receipt. If you need a separate receipt, you may log into “My Account” in the Congress Registration Resource Center to print your receipt (you will need the email you used to register as well as your badge # from your confirmation email).  

If you do not receive a confirmation or have questions, please contact the Congress Registration Team at +1-508-743-8521 or email 


  • How do I contact the CONGRESS registration vendor (CDS)?  

Convention Data Services (CDS) of Bourne, MA is the official registration vendor for Congress and can assist you with your registration-related questions. The CDS contact center is open Monday–Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. EST. You can contact them via:  

Phone: +1-508-743-8521   


  • How do I add a guest to my registration?  

A guest is a nonmember, non-physician person accompanying a Congress registrant. Guests are unable to attend scientific sessions and cannot claim CME.  The cost to register a guest is $50.  

Follow the steps below to add a guest to your Congress registration:  

  • Proceed to the Congress Registration Resource Center.  
  • Enter the email address you used to register for Congress and your Badge # from your registration confirmation email.  
  • Once logged in, click on the “add a guest” icon.  
  • On the next page, enter the guest information.  
  • Save the guest information.  
  • Proceed to checkout and add payment. 
  • How do I determine I am using the official registration site for CONGRESS?  

Show Management has noticed that there are several non-approved websites posting information for Congress2024. These sites are using the Congress name to solicit potential attendees and industry supporters with fraudulent offers. Official registration and housing information will only come from a Congress email address and will include the official vendor seal. If there are any questions about the authenticity of a company or email, please contact Congress Administration. Please use the information on our website only. 

  • What is the official meeting hashtag?  

Relive Congress and read the conversation by using #CCCongress24 on all of the outlined social media platforms. Congress followers used this to categorize all tweets about the 2024 meeting. #CCCongress25 the Congress official hashtag for next year’s event.  


  • Where can I find Congress on social media?  

Congress has profiles on the following platforms. Be sure to like, follow and interact with us or learn more on the Congress website.  

  • Twitter  
  • Facebook  
  • Instagram  
  • LinkedIn  
  • YouTube  


  • What is the Congress photography policy?  

Congress allows photography for personal, social, or non-commercial use. Presenters have the right to request no photography, and in those situations, photography is strictly prohibited.  

Photography Restrictions in Session Rooms: If the slide includes the “no photos” icon, attendees are strictly prohibited from taking photographs of that slide.  

Photography Restrictions in the Poster Hall: If the poster board includes the “no photos” icon, attendees are strictly prohibited from taking photographs of that board. Attendees taking photos must do so in a non-disruptive manner so as not to disturb the presenter and other attendees. Flash photography is not allowed. Video recording, live audio, or video streaming, and/or recording for commercial use is strictly prohibited. Failure to comply with this policy may result in removal from the session room and loss of a Congress registration badge for the remainder of the meeting.  


  • How do I request the “no photos” icon for my slides or poster? 

The “no photos icon” will be distributed to all presenters in their invitations to present at the Congress.  

  • If I am interested in sponsorship, what do I do?  

Sponsorships can be secured through the Industry Supporter Dashboard. You can log in using your company’s Exhibitor ID, password, and your name. Once logged in, click on the “Sponsorship” tile to access the list of currently available sponsorships. 

All the sponsorship opportunities being offered, as well as information and spec details, can be found on the Congress 2024 Envision website.

  • When are sponsorship payments due?  

All Congress Sponsorships will be billed at 100% upon selection and execution of the sponsorship contract. Payment is due no later than 30 days from the date of order. Failure to make full payment by this date will result in the item being placed back into inventory for another party to purchase and Industry Supporters will incur cancellation fees for the sponsorships based on the cancellation terms below. Invoices and payment information can be found in the Industry Supporter Dashboard

  • What forms of payment are accepted?  

Payments are accepted via check, credit card, money order, or wire transfer. Checks and money orders must be made out to Digestive Disease Week (see invoice for full payment instructions). Checks must be in U.S. dollars drawn from a U.S. bank. There will be a 3.5% convenience fee charged on all credit card transactions. Full payment instructions can be found at the bottom of your invoice.


  • What is the sponsorship Cancellation Policy?

Notification of sponsorship cancellations must be in writing. Any Industry Supporter canceling a sponsorship opportunity will be charged a fee based on the following schedule:

  • On or before Nov. 1, 2023:
    • 50% of the total sponsorship opportunity fee is due, regardless of whether the opportunity is re-sold.
  • After Nov. 1, 2023:
    • 100% of total sponsorship opportunity fee is due, regardless of whether the opportunity is re-sold.
  • Where can I find information on sponsorship artwork specifications and deadlines?

All sponsorship artwork must be approved by Congress. All sponsorship production information can be found on the Congress Envision Site.

Final artwork upload instructions will be provided during the artwork approval process. All artwork submitted after the published deadline is subject to late/rush fees or will not be fulfilled. If the sponsorship can be fulfilled with late artwork, the fees will be billed after the current show is complete. Congress can provide estimates of late/rush fees, if requested, but cannot be held liable if the estimate provided is lower than the charged late/rush. If a sponsorship cannot be fulfilled due to late artwork, the partner/agency is responsible to pay the sponsorship fee at 100%.


  • Can I use the Congress logo in promotional pieces?

The Congress logo may not be used in any promotions, advertisements, meeting materials or correspondences. Permission to use the Crohn′s & Colitis Congress® (or Congress®) name in advertisements or promotions will be at the discretion of Show Management and can be approved or denied if Congress deems the use inappropriate.

Please refer to the Industry Supporter Policies for specific guidelines on the use of Congress’ name and logo.


  • What off-site marketing opportunities are there?

Congress has established a two-mile radius off-site marketing policy around the facility. This policy applies but is not limited to airports, hotels (including hotel room drops), transit, billboards, taxi/van wraps, and pedicabs. Industry Supporters interested in advertising outside of the facility or at a host city airport are required to work with the official Congress vendor, EMC Outdoors.

For additional information, please contact EMC Outdoors:

  • Ms. Song Heo 
  • SVP, Media Strategy 
  • O: 610.355.4450 | M: 610.804.6352
  • Who can I reach out to if I have a question about a sponsorship opportunity?  

Please reach out to the appropriate account manager.

    • Company names starting with #, A–Z:
      • Tessa Ayala,, 301-657-2176

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