Thank you from the
2022 Crohn’s & Colitis Congress®

Thank you to all the attendees, our chairs, faculty, committee members, Congress Champions, supporters, endorsers, media partners and exhibitors who made this year’s virtual Crohn’s & Colitis Congress® a success. 

We look forward to seeing you on January 19–21, 2023, in Denver, Colorado. 

We are thrilled to announce that the Crohn’s & Colitis Congress®, a partnership of the Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation and the American Gastroenterological Association, will be a virtual experience taking place  January 21-24, 2021.

As always, we will bring together our community of health care practitioners and researchers to continue our mission of transforming inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) care — in a new and exciting forum.  Please continue to check back for updates. We look forward to seeing you virtually.

Transforming IBD Care

Join your colleagues from around the world and across the entire spectrum of clinical care and science at the premier conference on inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Don’t miss all the excitement!

The Crohn’s & Colitis Congress®, a partnership of the Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation and the American Gastroenterological Association (AGA), will take place virtually on January 20-22, 2022.   


2022 Crohn's & Colitis Congress Goes Virtual

The Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation and AGA have cancelled in-person programming due to the challenges the coronavirus omicron variant outbreak places on the medical community. In order to have the safest and most educational meeting, all Crohn’s & Colitis Congress programming will be held virtually on January 20-22. 

Speakers, moderators and poster presenters will receive more details by email later this week about your virtual participation.

Exhibitors will be contacted directly by a member of Congress management for further details. 

Attendees: All registrations will be converted to virtual and housing reservations will be cancelled.

We look forward to a dynamic and educational virtual and on-demand experience.  Thank you for your patience with this transition. We share our best wishes for your health and safety.



Important Dates

Registration Opened: Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Early Bird Deadline: Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Abstract Submission Opened: Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Abstract Submission Deadline: Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Abstract Notifications: Monday, December 6, 2021

Important Dates


Registration Opened: Wednesday, August 11
Early Bird Registration Deadline: Wednesday, November 3

Abstract Submission

Abstract Submission Opened: Wednesday, September 8
Abstract Submission Deadline: Wednesday, October 20
Abstract Notifications: Monday, December 6

You can still register to join the live meeting. If you miss anything, the on-demand programming will be released on February 1, 2021, and be available for 90 days.

Why You Should Attend the Crohn’s & Colitis Congress

Drs. Jamie Kinnucan shares why she is excited to attend the Congress.

2022 Crohn's & Colitis Congress Chairs

David T. Rubin, MD, AGAF

Co-Chair, Organizing Committee
University of Chicago

Bruce E. Sands, MD, MS, AGAF

Co-Chair, Organizing Committee
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Peter Higgins - 1

Peter D. R. Higgins, MD, PhD, AGAF

Co-Chair, Organizing Committee
University of Michigan

Supporting Organizations

The 2022 Crohn’s & Colitis Congress was supported by educational grants from:

Amgen Inc.

Arena Pharmaceuticals

Bristol Myers Squibb

Ferring Pharmaceuticals Inc.


Mylan Inc. , a Viatris Company 

Pfizer Inc.

Salix Pharmaceuticals, a division of Bausch Health US, LLC

Takeda Pharmaceuticals U.S.A., Inc.


The 2022 Crohn’s & Colitis Congress was partnered with:

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