Speaker Guidelines
Review Your Invitation
Log into the speaker management system to review your speaking invitations. After you log in, click the “Messages” tab in the top right corner of the screen.
If noted in your invitation, Congress administration has registered you for the meeting. Badges can be picked up onsite at the registration desk in the Austin Convention Center.
VIP Housing
Invited speakers who completed the housing form by the Oct. 31 deadline will receive email confirmation of their reservation by mid-November. Refer to your invitation for the number of complementary hotel nights (if any) to be provided to you.
Session Agendas
View full session agenda information, including Q&A and/or panel discussion times, in the Online Planner.
Audience Engagement
New for the 2020 meeting, the Congress is pleased to offer Sync, an audience response and second-screen technology to increase attendee engagement and improve content retention. Instructions on using Sync will be sent to speakers when the Congress presentation management upload site opens on Dec. 2.
Prepare Your Slides
Faculty Resources
Slide Content
- The first slide of your presentation should contain your relevant financial relationship disclosures. A disclosure must be stated even if no financial relationship exists.
- The final slide should summarize the top three or four main points of your presentation.
- Presenters are responsible for verifying all images and text in your presentation are in compliance with copyright law.
Slide Format
- Use of the Congress slide template is suggested by not required.
- All presentations will take place on PCs. Keynote or Prezi files will not be supported.
- Learn more about file formats supported within PowerPoint.
- Only fonts included with Office 2013 are supported. If you plan to use a specialized font, it must be embedded in your PowerPoint presentation. Some licensed fonts may not embed and should be replaced with a font included with Office. Read more for an explanation of this process.
- It is recommended that you convert any PPT files to PPTX and that you remove any links from your presentation.
- Session room computers will support a 16:9 aspect ratio. If you elect to format your slides in a 4:3 ratio, please understand that the presentation will be “pillar boxed” with black bars on either side of the 16:9 screen. To change an existing 4:3 presentation into a 16:9 widescreen format, access the “Design” tab in PowerPoint and click on “Slide Size.” In the drop-down box, select “Widescreen (16:9).” If you make this change on an existing presentation, your slides will expand to the new size. Any videos or photos in your presentation may need to be resized so they do not appear stretched. Check animations to ensure the elements line up correctly.
- If you plan to embed any videos in your presentation, it is imperative that you visit Speaker Headquarters onsite to speak with a technician who can assist.
- If you will be converting or authoring videos, we recommend H.264 encoding at less than a five Mbps bitrate for best performance. The resolution in the meeting rooms will be 1280×720 for 16:9 presentations. A 1080p, maximum bit rate encoding will bloat the size of your presentation with no visual improvement and may actually hurt performance. If you plan to play a DVD as part of your presentation, please notify a technician at Speaker Headquarters so arrangements can be made for assistance in your meeting room.
- Please consider compressing your videos. If you’ve authored your PowerPoint as a PPTX, there are tools within PowerPoint to do this automatically.
Submit Your Slides
Conflict of Interest Review
Slide Sharing
Onsite in Austin
Speaker Headquarters
Friday, Jan. 24: 6 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Saturday, Jan 25: 6 a.m. – 11 a.m.
During Your Session
Photography Policy
Contact info@crohnscolitiscongress.org with any questions about speaking at the meeting.